Abi and I had a fun day of making Valentine's Day cards and chocolate chip cookies (I think her favorite part was eating all the chocolate chips!)
It has become very evident that we are quickly approaching those "terrible twos" as the word 'no' has become quite popular in our house. Consequently, we have established the "naughty corner" and Abi has decided this is her stage to become our little drama queen!
Over the past few weeks, Abi has really been talking up a storm...she just started to copy everything that Mom and Dad say (which is not always the best!) Also, we have been working on learning our colors, shapes and numbers. Not sure how well it is working though because according to Abi, everything is the color blue or the number two. I guess we will keep practicing :)
Here are a few pictures from Valentine's Day and the others are some favorites from the past month...

It has become very evident that we are quickly approaching those "terrible twos" as the word 'no' has become quite popular in our house. Consequently, we have established the "naughty corner" and Abi has decided this is her stage to become our little drama queen!
Over the past few weeks, Abi has really been talking up a storm...she just started to copy everything that Mom and Dad say (which is not always the best!) Also, we have been working on learning our colors, shapes and numbers. Not sure how well it is working though because according to Abi, everything is the color blue or the number two. I guess we will keep practicing :)
Here are a few pictures from Valentine's Day and the others are some favorites from the past month...
Yeah...Mom was able to get Abi's hair in a ponytail - FINALLY!
A glimpse into an afternoon at the Doehne household
Abi's signature smile for the camera
Karoake Night
Dad and Abi getting ready for dinner