Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our Weekend

We had a great weekend - spending lots of time outdoors trying to enjoy the warm weather!

On Saturday morning, we hiked down Snoqualmie Falls. All was going well until we discovered one of the tires on Abi's stroller was flat...not good considering we were headed down to the bottom of the falls (about a mile hike). Abi was a little trooper - she actually walked most of the hike, even in the hot weather!

Don't worry - that's not sweat! Just some water...

On Sunday, we headed out to Northwest Trek with Abi's godparents, Justin and Jen. Again, we had a good time and Abi got to see some bison, deer, moose and goats up close during our tram ride. When she would see an animal, she would point to it and say "look, look!" with much enthusiasm - so adorable!