Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our Growing Family...

Yep, that's right...we're pregnant! Our little one is due on March 9th (only 2 days earlier than Abi's original due date). Similar to my pregnancy with Abi, all of these crazy hormones have not been agreeing with me and my life for the past two months has consisted of moving between the chaise lounge and the bed (depending upon whether Abi is playing upstairs or downstairs!). Needless to say, poor Abi has been getting the short end of the stick. Maybe this is good practice as come March, she will no longer be the only center of attention. With Mommy not feeling good, she has become quite the Daddy's Girl.

Fortunately, I have been feeling a bit better now that I am beyond the first trimester and we have been able to venture out of the house on occasion. I have seen the doctor several times (including today) and so far, so good. Abi has accompanied me to a couple of appointments and she LOVES to hear the baby's heartbeat! We have our next appointment on October 22nd when we get to find out the baby's gender. I am very excited but this also means we need to start thinking of a name (which has proven to be quite a challenge for Josh and I!)

It is hard to believe that summer has already flown by and I haven't updated my blog in such a long time. Hopefully now that I am feeling better, I will be able to keep it up-to-date. Here is a summary of our summer in pictures:

Fun at South 47 Farm

I'm ready...

Look, there's a good one, Daddy!

4th of July (Prior to the Fireworks)

The key word in the above sentence is 'prior'. That's because we missed the entire fireworks show. As soon as the fireworks started, that cute smile quickly turned to frightening cries and tears. Maybe next year...

Fun at Whidbey Island
Abi had so much fun playing in the low tide

Redmond Derby Days

Abi and Colby are not sure what to make of this clown


Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star...Abi singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". I love how she emphasizes the word 'are'. She definitely loves to sing although I am not sure that would be the best career choice!

...Abi singing her ABCs...yes, she may get a bit distracted by the camera, miss a few letters along the way and is not sure how the song ends but it is still really cute!
Trip To Lake Chelan

Sitting on the 'Oma and Opa Bench' in Leavenworth

Abi LOVED the pool and would be in the water 24-7 if she could be!

Swimming Like a Fish...Abi swimming in the kiddie pool at Lake Chelan. For Abi, swimming means moving her arms back and forth while walking in the water.

This bunny was huge - literally the same size as Abi!


Enjoying Some of our Last Days of Summer at the Ballard Locks