Monday, May 24, 2010

Lake Chelan

Last week, we headed to Lake Chelan with Arizona Grandma and Grandpa for a week. We had great weather for the first few days but then the weather turned so we spent our fair share of time indoors watching movies and playing cards. Despite the fact that Brady was awake at 6 a.m. every morning (which was WAY too early for me), it was a fun and relaxing time and a nice getaway for me and the kids - a big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for all their help!

In looking at all of our pictures and videos, I realize that I should have titled this blog post, 'Our Trip of Firsts' because Abi got a chance to experience a few new things she had never done before and Brady accomplished some new milestones as well.
  • Brady walked for the first time
  • Brady learned how to go down the stairs by himself (on his tummy and feet first). The other times Brady has attempted this, he is usually head first and tumbling!
  • Abi went bowling for the first time
  • Abi successfully flew a kite for the first time
On our way to Chelan, we stopped in Leavenworth for a lunch break

One of Abi's New Poses

-Pool Time-

Relaxing after a tough day at the pool

Brady's First Walk


Abi's First Time Bowling...She was so excited about watching the bowling pin cartoon reenactments playing on the screen above our lane, that she rarely saw how many pins she actually knocked down.

Yeah...9 pins - Go Abi!

-Flying Kites-

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Keeping true with our annual tradition, we celebrated Mother's Day by visiting Bellevue Botanical Gardens. Looking back at our pictures from Mom's Day a year ago, it is fun to see how much the kids have grown up. After walking around the gardens, we enjoyed a great homemade dinner - thanks to Josh and Ferryboat Grandma!

Me and my kiddos!

Oh course we had to take a picture of Abi on the frog. We couldn't get Brady to stand still long enough to also be in the picture!

Grandma and the kids

The next two pictures were taken by Abi (and not with my 'point and shoot' camera but with Josh's Nikon camera) - I was seriously impressed!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

Today Abi's preschool hosted a Mother's Day Tea. Needless to say, it was adorable! For me, it brought up a flood of emotions but also great to see Abi at preschool - performing, interacting and playing with her friends.

The Tea began with Abi welcoming me, giving me a handmade bookmark and taking me to my seat. Once all the Moms were seated, the kids served us strawberries, pound cake and juice.

Patiently waiting for the entertainment portion of the program to begin...

At this point, the kids left the room to prepare for the second half of our entertainment program while the Moms watched a slide show of pictures taken of the kids throughout the year. Thank goodness I was prepped and knew of the slide show before I went to the Tea or I would have been a crying mess! It was just precious and so fun to get a little glimpse into their lives while in school.

All the little Cowboys and Cowgirls

Next, the kids presented us with some homemade Mother's Day gifts - a card and a decorative pin she made with beads. Hands down - my favorite gift of the year! :)
(Just in case you can't read it, it says "I love you Mommy because you give me candy...and...because you give me crayons...and...because you grow something...and because you water something...and...because you be nice to me...and...because you love me too...and...because you are my best friend")

Abi with her preschool teachers