Monday, April 23, 2012

Tulip Festival

On Saturday, we loaded up the family and headed out for a day trip to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. The weather was beautiful and the flowers were in full bloom. Josh got some good pictures of the family and many great ones of the flowers.

Brady's Favorite Part of the Day...the Tractor Ride!

The Flower Fields

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quote of the Day

Josh and I are working in the garage and Brady comes outside after playing for a while in the house. 

Me: "B, what is all over your shirt?" (he has obviously spilled something all over the front of him)

Brady: "I don't know...maybe beer."

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a very relaxed Easter weekend this year which included coloring eggs, a couple of Easter egg hunts and some house/yard work for Josh and I. We ended the weekend with a yummy Easter dinner with the family.
-Coloring Eggs-
Hard at work on our Tie Dye eggs

-The Hunt for Easter Baskets-
Brady found his and is beyond excited about his new farm trucks!
Silly Easter Bunny hid Abi's in the car!
- City of Redmond Easter Egg Hunt-
The Easter Bunny dropped the eggs from the top of the fire engine ladder...Brady thought that this was the coolest thing ever!
Checkin' out all their goodies!
-Easter Egg Hunt #2- 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Baby Talk

Throughout my pregnancy, Josh and I have been getting a kick out of some of the "baby talk" we have been hearing from the kids lately.

During my first trimester (and before we announced the pregnancy to the kids), I spent many days and nights laying on the couch not feeling well. Throughout this time, I relied upon Abi to help out and do little things around the house, like letting the dog out, bringing things to me, helping out Brady, etc. One day, when she was clearly fed up with helping me, she looked at me and said, "Mom, how come you can't walk anymore?"

As soon as we announced the pregnancy to the kids, they were excited but the news took a while to sink in. After a brief conversation about it, they headed off to play and not another word was spoken until the next day. Apparently Abi did some serious thinking that night because from the moment she woke up the next morning, she started with the questions and she was very concerned about the logistics of the situation..."where is the baby going to sleep?", "Well, Daddy better build a new room", "Daddy better build a new house"..."Where is the baby going to sit in the car?" The conversation continued throughout the day and included an announcement at school to her teacher and friends that she(Abi) was having another baby! :)

Abi is convinced that we are having a girl and has a never-ending list of possible names for us. Brady is certain that we are having a boy. He often tells us that the "baby is coming out in 4 minutes and he will play trucks with me...but just one truck."

Hopefully they will continue to be this excited (and willing to share) once the baby is born!