Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Booty Shakin'

Nattie's dance moves have been making us all laugh these days. 
Here are a few videos of her latest booty shakin'!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

You Know You Have A Boy When...

He is working on learning how to write the letter "T" and this is what his homework page looks like...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Love of a PB&J

There is no question that this girl loves her PB&Js!

Monday, February 10, 2014


I love this series of pictures.
Nattie loves Sadie and often shows her love by sharing Sadie's bed.

"Look Sadie!"

If dogs could talk...
although that look says a thousand words :) 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Seahawks Mania!

The days leading up to Superbowl XLVIII were very exciting around our house! 

Seahawks Day at School

Seahawk Treats

And on Superbowl Sunday we celebrated with friends as our Seahawks took home the trophy! 
Some of the gang celebrating

Two of the smallest (and cutest) cheerleaders

Touchdown Seahawks!!!

Everyone was exhausted after such a fun day
(and a bit sad that we now have no more Seahawk Sundays for a while!)