Monday, March 23, 2015

Happy 9th Birthday Sis!

Abi's birthday was a little different this year. She had Girl Scout Camp on her birthday so we didn't see much of her, which was strange for me. I guess it's a feeling I should get used to with her getting older. She came home with a smile on her face and reported having an awesome birthday and a great time with her friends. 

Girl Scout Camp Drop-off
As soon as she arrived, all the girls sang Happy Birthday to her.

Since her birthday was on a Saturday this year, we celebrated on Sunday. 
Birthday Cupcakes!

One of Abi's presents was a ticket to Kurios by Cirque du Soleil.  
It was a great show and we all really enjoyed it!

Before the show, Josh and I took Abi out for some of her favorites - 
Sushi for lunch and of course, a huge chocolatey dessert!

In lieu of a big birthday party with friends, she decided to go to Family Fun Center with her best friend, Sydney. The highlight of the day was this ride. Although she liked it, she was absolutely terrified.  She would scream at top of her lungs as it went up and as it came closer to the ground, her eyes would get huge and her facial expressions were beyond funny. She had most of the people waiting in line cracking up. 

Abi, you are growing up so quickly and I am proud of the person you are becoming.  You are motherly, artistic, spontaneous, friendly, smart and always up for an adventure. You have a love for music and enjoy doing art and spending time with your friends. I know I can always count on you to look out for your brother and sister and for that I am grateful. Happy Birthday Sis!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Little Leprechaun

He wanted to ensure he was not pinched today :)

Thursday, March 12, 2015


This year Abi's drama teacher is retiring so as a tribute, the fall production was entitled "Memories". It was a compilation of scenes from all the shows she has produced while at Rosa Parks. Abi auditioned and was cast as the role of Hilda from the play Sleepy Hollow. It was a role with more dialogue than she has ever had before but no dancing or singing which she was disappointed about. As a totally biased parent, I think she did awesome! 



Pre-show Fun

Abi's cheering section from the Kid Pit

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Happy Birthday B!

The day my boy turned six...

Still can't sleep without his pillow pet and lovie!

Listening to a early birthday message from Grandma

Then it was time to get ready for school, with his special treat of course!

After school, we played until it was time to head to dinner with sisters and Dad!

Always my big helper

Brady's favorite meal is a cheeseburger and fries so we headed to 
XXX Root Beer for some greasy yumminess!

(Is it just me or does Brady look like Gilbert Gottfried in this picture?)

Watching Brady's expressions and excitement when opening his gifts was priceless. 

He was wiped after a full day of celebrating and was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Instead of opting for a big birthday party, Brady wanted to spend the day with his best friend, Chase. We went to jump on trampolines then headed to his other favorite burger joint, BurgerMaster.

This video was just too cute not to post. We had a family birthday where we celebrated Abi and Brady's birthdays together and this is a video of us singing Happy Birthday to them.
In case you couldn't hear Brady's wish at the end, he said, "I wish when I grow up I would like to be a garbage man."

Brady, today you turned 6 years old. You are my competitive, thoughtful, athletic, creative boy. You love to talk and will talk to anyone who will listen. You make us all laugh with your funny sayings and unique view of the world. You have a love for learning and like to help out any way you can. Your current hobbies include playing sports (soccer, basketball, football and baseball), Star Wars, legos and using your imagination to create games to play with your siblings. I know I can always count on you for a snuggle which I love. Happy Birthday B!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spring Choir Concert

Abi did a great job at her Spring Choir Concert tonight.  Here are a few songs from her performance. She is on the far right, bottom row in case you can't find her.