Saturday, December 13, 2008

More Christmas Festivities...

We have been busy preparing for Christmas and Abi is SO excited for Santa this year! Her favorite activity is opening the advent calendar everyday. Here are some pictures of us decorating gingerbread houses, picking out our Christmas tree and decorating the tree -

We headed over to the Worsley's house for an afternoon of fun - Gingerbread House Decorating with Abi's friends, Regen, Claire and Kelsey:

Carefully placing on each piece of candy

I am not sure where most of the candy ended up...on the gingerbread house or in Abi's mouth!

The final result!

The girls and their houses

-Picking Out the Perfect Tree-

Abi's not sure about's pretty cold out here!

We found it!!

-Trimming the Tree-

Abi took care of decorating the bottom half of the tree

Grandma helping Abi put on an ornament

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