Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of Preschool...Well, Almost...

We made it to preschool but quickly ended up leaving as Abi's first experience at preschool was her throwing up all over herself, me and the bathroom floor (thank goodness we were in the bathroom rather than the classroom!)

Josh and I woke up this morning to Abi complaining that her tummy hurt. After she ate her breakfast, she said that her tummy felt better so we got ready to go. We took pictures and headed to school. As soon as we got to school, she mentioned that she needed to go to the bathroom. We hung up her bookbag and coat and headed to the bathroom. As soon as we got to the bathroom, she proceeded to throw up EVERYWHERE! After she was done, I told her that we needed to go home today and we could go to preschool in a few days. She then burst out in tears because she wanted to stay at school. I am sure the other parents were staring at us as we walked out to the car with one unhappy (& smelly) girl!

I am not sure if this episode was due to nerves & anxiety or if she is really sick...I guess time will tell. Regardless, we will try again on Thursday. Wish us luck!

Here are some pictures from our trial run this morning:

And then it all went downhill about 30 seconds after we took this picture...poor girl!


mommy23 said...

OH NO!!! Poor Abi - and Mom! I hope that Thursday is better. What time does she get out? You guys could come over after school...

Elaine said...

Oh Susie! So sorry for all of you. I hope she's feeling better and is able to make it on Thursday.

Anonymous said...

That is heartbreaking :(

Sorry for both of you! Anxious to hear how Thursday goes.


Paula said...

That is so sad; boo-hoo! I hope that she's feling better soon!!

The Arnolds said...

Oh no! Poor Abi! I hope she's feeling better for Thursday! At least you got some cute first day pics :)

The Arnolds said...

Oh no! Poor Abi! I hope she's feeling better for Thursday! At least you got some cute first day pics :)