Friday, May 9, 2008

A Few Of Our Favorite Things...

Here are some pictures from the past month. We have been enjoying the sun (at least during the few times it has been out this Spring!). We took a trip to Woodland Park Zoo, played in the backyard and went to a Mariners game - one of Abi's favorite past times. Abi loves the Mariners and often asks us to turn on the TV around 7 p.m. so she can watch a Mariners game. Her favorite players are Ichiro (which Abi pronounces "E-E-O") and J.J. Putz. Hopefully we will be able to see a few more games this season and with any luck, they may actually win a few too!

Taking a trip on the ferry to visit Grandma

Who said "Boys don't play with dolls"? (Remember these old school cabbage patch dolls - this was my brothers when we were kids!)

-Woodland Park Zoo-

-Playing in the Backyard-

Thoroughly enjoying an episode of Sesame Street

-Mariners Game-

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