Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Terrible Twos

I think we have hit those dreaded "terrible twos". Though I have always heard of this concept, being such a proud (and probably somewhat naive) Mom, I didn't think my little girl would ever turn into a little terror (you know, those kids you see at the grocery store who are running around, tearing all the groceries off the shelf, screaming and not listening, as their parents yell at them from down the aisle). I've had a bit of a reality check as we had a few of these moments this week....

At any given moment during the day, Abi decides it's not necessary to listen to Mom & Dad anymore. Actually, in most cases, she tries to do the opposite of what we ask and loves to say the word 'no' at any chance she gets (while often stomping her feet and throwing a tantrum). Apparently this is normal two-year old behavior or at least that's what people tell me.

Oh, and did I mention that we are also started potty training? Lord help me...

In an effort to keep Abi out of trouble (not to mention save my sanity), I try to make it out of the house for at least one activity per day with Abi. This could be as simple as a trip to Target (Abi shares my love!) or a walk around the neighborhood (which would be Sadie's vote). Here are some pictures of our recent activities:

-Mighty Mites Gymnastics Class-

Abi Loves Ice Cream (Especially Milkshakes) - She Definitely Inherited Mom's Sweet-Tooth!

Abi & Colby Dancing at a Sing-Along

My Favorite (& only) Nephew... SO CUTE!

Abi & Colby Examining a Caterpiller

Abi's Love For Elmo...This is a video of Abi watching Sesame Street. Abi is singing and trying to play the piano with Elmo.

-Farm Tots Program at the South 47 Farm-

Creating a "Worm Purse" with Grandma
Picking Bok Choy Look What I Got Mom!

-Celebrating Abi's Friend, Regen's 4th Birthday Party at Farrel McWhirter Park-

Getting Ready for Pony Rides...

Abi's First Time Riding Horses...She had a great time (maybe horseback riding will be in her future???). When Abi saw that Penny (the horse) had pooped, she announced to everyone waiting in line, "Here Comes the Poop!"


mommy23 said...

I just can't see Abi being a terror... but if you think 2 is bad, wait till 3! ha! ;) Pictures and video are really cute!

The Arnolds said...

I agree with Jami - I just can't believe Abi is "terrible" at two! Fun pictures!