Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Learning How To Ride A Bike

Abi has been a bit slow to accept or get excited about her new bike.  After several weeks of just looking (and admiring) her bike from afar, Abi decided to hop on the other day and actually sit on it.  This was a big step for her!  I forgot that riding a bike doesn’t just come naturally – we first had to convince her that she wouldn’t tip over and fall off.  Then, we SLOWLY pushed her across the floor as she put on the brakes every 3 seconds (this was a bit trying on Dad’s patience!)  The below video is from a few days later when she took her first ride.  SO EXCITING!


The Arnolds said...

So cute! Go Abi!!

Elaine said...

Very cute, maybe she can give Tyler some lessons! :)