Monday, February 23, 2009

Ta Daaa!

These were the first words that came to my mind once Josh finished painting baby boy’s room and we got the room back in order.  This could be due to the fact that every time Abi is coloring, she picks up the paper, shows me her work of art and says, “Ta Daaa!”.  In any event, the room is done (at least the wainscoting and painting) – thanks to Josh’s hard work over the past few weekends.  I still have some decorating to do but we are off to a good start.  Now I just need to get the car seat installed, finish the laundry, pack my hospital bag, pick up some last minute items….


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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We had a busy weekend, which not only included celebrating Valentine’s Day but Abi finally got her big girl bed (thanks Grandma and Grandpa)! We also managed to find some time to play outside and Josh got some of baby boy’s bedroom painted. Now we just need to decide on a color so we can finish up!









DSC_0306 We were a bit worried about the change from the crib to the big girl bed but Abi did great! I checked her video monitor about 5 times throughout the night to ensure that she was still in bed and not roaming freely around the house. She actually stayed in bed the whole night and in the morning she called out for us to come get her. When I arrived in her room, she said, “I’m stuck”. My first thought was that she was tangled up in the sheets. However, when I took a closer look, I discovered that she had her arms wrapped up behind her in one of her Cabbage Patch doll’s sweaters. As you can see from the pictures, she sleeps with many stuffed animals and toys and one of them was her Cabbage Patch doll. Apparently, Abi thought that the sweater might look better on her so she took the sweater off her doll and was trying it on when she got stuck. Guess it didn’t fit over her head! Hopefully she won’t get too daring and venture out of bed in the middle of the night in the next few months ahead…


The fiw her new bed…

Abi seeing her new bed for the first time






Tuesday, February 3, 2009

35 Weeks and Counting...

Or maybe I should say, "34 Days Left" although that strikes a bit of fear in me. Overall, I feel good (other than the being completely exhausted by the end of each day). Our little guy is constantly moving around which is fun to feel and often gives me a needed reality check, as I have been feeling a bit consumed with all of the "to-do's" which continue to pile up each day. I am not sure if I should blame this is on "nesting" tendencies or perhaps my husband's love to always do things at the last minute. My guess is both.

We have been busy converting our office/den/catch-all room to baby boy's room (and yes, we still don't have a name. Hopefully we will do a bit better on this round and he won't need to wait until day 3 before a name is chosen although no promises!) Over the past month, we built a desk in the upstairs hallway, managed to clean out/box up the contents of the room, moved out all the furniture and started the process of putting up wainscoting.

As I usually do, I forgot to take the "before" pictures of the room but here are some current pictures of our work in progress:

In addition to preparing baby's room, we have been researching/touring preschools for Abi. It is hard to believe that we are already at this stage but she is very excited about the idea of going to school. Although I feel like I say this at every age, this is a really fun time as her imagination is starting to come to life. She is constantly making Josh and I laugh at the things she says and does.
Here is a recent picture of Abi pretending to be a robot. It is funny until she starts running into furniture -