Monday, August 31, 2009


Here are some recent pictures of the Abi, Brady, Colby and Paige. Now that Brady and Paige are getting older and becoming more engaged and interactive, Abi and Colby have fun playing with the little ones. I find it so fascinating that Abi and Colby each gravitate towards the cousin of the same gender - Abi likes to play with Paige and Colby likes to play with Brady.

Playing Peek-A-Boo

Some Bonding Time Between The Boys

Girl Talk

All Smiles!

Paige Trying to Crawl

Mommy's Baby Noises Scare Brady!...I know I shouldn't find this video so funny but I do. Not only does it make me laugh when I scare poor little Brady but I also find my baby noises pretty funny to listen to. No wonder my kids sometimes look at me like I am crazy!


Elaine said...

so cute - and Susie, that video of Brady made me laugh out loud! You are too funny! :)

mommy23 said...

Totally made me laugh too! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am kind of with Brady on this one :)
