Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun Halloween night! Although it was cold, the rain stayed away long enough to go trick-or-treating (which was a good thing because Ariel would have looked a bit funny wearing a raincoat!) Abi was very excited about getting candy although we did have to skip a few houses in the neighborhood because their Halloween decorations were a bit too scary. Brady did great too - just relaxed in his stroller, taking in the sights while big sister got all the loot!

Ariel & Sebastian

We first headed to Redmond Town Center for trick-or-treating... many choices! :)

Checkin' out the loot...I think we have enough candy to last us until next year (this is bad news for Mom who has absolutely no will power when there is candy in the house!)


mommy23 said...

They look great! Sad we didn't get any pics of all the princesses together.. RTC was a little nuts.. or maybe it was just me?? Maybe they should all dress up for Disney on Ice this weekend?? :)

Stacey said...

Such cute pics! Looks like you have a lot of fun sweet treats :)

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!
