Tuesday, November 24, 2009


As Thanksgiving approaches, I have been talking to Abi about the concept of thankfulness. A few days ago, I thought that all of our discussions might be making an impact when she told me, unprompted, that she was thankful for Sadie.

During this same time, with Christmas right around the corner, Abi has also been intensely studying the Toys R' Us catalog. This year, she has decided to ask Santa for a Disney Princess grocery cart and she is a bit obsessed with the idea. We talk about it, write about it and draw it on a daily basis.

Apparently there still seems to be a bit of confusion about the idea of thankfulness because when I picked up Abi from school today, she took her arts and craft project out of her school bag and this was what I saw:
I almost fell over on the ground with laughter. Can you imagine what her teacher was thinking?

Well, now I can say that I am thankful for the smile my daughter puts on my face every time I look at our mantel and see her work of art proudly displayed!


Elaine said...

SO adorable and funny!

mommy23 said...

that is hysterical. Hopefully Santa brings her that dang grocery cart! ;)

Anonymous said...

Susie, that is greatest story! I had to laugh about how she "obsesses" on a daily basis about the cart :) I certainly remember sitting for hours with the Toys R Us catalog too as a kid!


The Arnolds said...

Love it! Too cute!