Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bellevue Botanical Garden d'Lights

As in past years, we headed out to Bellevue Botanical Gardens to see the holiday lights display. We managed to miss the rain but it was still pretty cold!

Monday, December 28, 2009

...And the fun continues!

Christmas was another fun-filled day - spending time with family and opening lots and lots of presents. Thank you to all of our family and friends which made this year and the holidays so special!
Abi's first glimpse at what Santa left

Checking out what Santa and the reindeers ate during their visit

My favorite Christmas present (a surprise gift made by Abi at preschool)

Santa brought Abi a Princess Grocery Cart - YEAH!

A perfect picture of Brady celebrating Christmas

Abi and Brady enjoying one of their new Christmas toys

Grandma and her kids

2 Peas in a Pod

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

Although we had a rough few weeks leading up to Christmas, which included two sick kids with croup, many sleepless nights and even a trip to the emergency room, we were all feeling better and very excited by the time Christmas arrived.

Our Christmas Eve started with Santa pictures (we had to get in line so early that Santa had not even arrived at work yet...and we still had to wait for over an hour! Thank goodness both kids cooperated and we got a really cute picture.)
Abi made some Magic Reindeer Food at preschool that we sprinkled in the front yard
Then we headed to Christmas Eve Mass...
...but first we got to open one present (and surprise, surprise - it's was Christmas PJs)
Brady wasn't interested in his PJs - just the tissue paper!

Next, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to celebrate with all of the Drevniak's:

And last but not least, we left some goodies for Santa and the reindeers before bedtime!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

In keeping with tradition, we headed over to the Worsley's to decorate gingerbread houses. This year was a bit more hectic (& much louder), as we had 3 additional kiddos all under the age of 1! Despite the craziness, Abi got her house decorated and we had a great time.

Next year, I am going to try to be prepared and follow the directions by putting the gingerbread house together a few days before decorating. Perhaps, this will prevent the entire house from falling over on the drive home and having to resurrect it with dry, hard frosting...then again, I recall saying this last year too!

...and it's time to go!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Let the Fun Begin...

With Christmas only 10 days away, we have been in crazy-busy holiday mode. Despite Abi having back-to-back double ear infections, she has been a little trooper and has still managed to enjoy many of our Christmas traditions and holiday fun. So far, we have visited Santa and his reindeers at the zoo, saw the drummers (& falling snow) at Snowflake Lane, made Christmas cookies, decorated the Christmas tree and even managed to squeeze in some shopping.

Here are some recent pictures, with the exception of Snowflake Lane - I forgot to put the memory card back in the camera although it was probably a good thing since Abi cried throughout most of it - complaining that the "music was too loud". It must have not been too bad though because she has been begging to go back ever since.

Abi's Favorite Part of the Day...Advent Calendar

-Visiting Santa (& his reindeers) with Cynthia, Colby & Paige-
Feeding the reindeers

Abi & Colby

Paige & Brady trying to stay warm

A visit with Santa Claus

Cynthia, Paige & Colby

Me & the kids

-Trimming the Tree-
Abi carefully hanging her princess ornament

Brady happily watching as we decorate