Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

Although we had a rough few weeks leading up to Christmas, which included two sick kids with croup, many sleepless nights and even a trip to the emergency room, we were all feeling better and very excited by the time Christmas arrived.

Our Christmas Eve started with Santa pictures (we had to get in line so early that Santa had not even arrived at work yet...and we still had to wait for over an hour! Thank goodness both kids cooperated and we got a really cute picture.)
Abi made some Magic Reindeer Food at preschool that we sprinkled in the front yard
Then we headed to Christmas Eve Mass...
...but first we got to open one present (and surprise, surprise - it's was Christmas PJs)
Brady wasn't interested in his PJs - just the tissue paper!

Next, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to celebrate with all of the Drevniak's:

And last but not least, we left some goodies for Santa and the reindeers before bedtime!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Could their Christmas clothes be any cuter? What great pictures!!