Saturday, April 17, 2010

Disneyland...Here We Come!

After saying goodbye to Brady (and wishing Grandma and Grandpa good luck), Josh, Abi and I left for our 5.5 hour drive to Disneyland. Overall, our drive went well - thanks in big part to the iPod Touch and The Princess and the Frog movie.
Here are some pictures that Josh took of our roadtrip to document our journey... Miles and miles of open road

A view out of the passenger side window

During the car ride, Abi would occasionally complain that her "body hurt" (which usually meant that she was tired of sitting in her car seat). During one of the quick pit-stops to stretch our legs, we explored this quirky little gem stand.

Driving through a storm in Palm Springs

Still driving...

We finally arrived, checked into our hotel and headed out to Downtown Disney for some dinner.

Now back to the hotel to get some sleep for our big days ahead!!

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