We had a fun Halloween weekend filled with pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating. Surprisingly, the rain held off and we had great weather for trick-or-treating (which doesn't happen often in Seattle!)
Pumpkin Carving

The kids helped us clean out the pumpkins but then Josh and I got down to business and started carving. In keeping with tradition, Josh worked on Abi's pumpkin and I worked on Brady's.

Josh carved the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland for Abi

...and B got Curious George!

Miss Alice and I

Daddy and the little monkey

Our monkey got a bit tired so it was a good thing we had some candy to keep him occupied for the last few trick-or-treating stops!

My favorite picture!
NICE job on the pumpkins! Perfect costume choices for the kids too!
Your pumpkins are always amazing! Love the costumes! The pic of Brady in front of the VS poster is hilarious!
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