Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Five years ago, Josh and I started a tradition of making Christmas cookies and delivering them to friends and family. Even with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we have managed to stay true to our annual tradition and 2010 was no different.

A few friends have commented that they wish they could be a fly on the wall during one of our Christmas cookie weekends so this year I decided to take a few pictures to document our craziness.

Josh, or as I like to call him, The Cookie Nazi. He is nothing but business on these weekends.

The chaos of our kitchen

And the final product...banana bread, jeweled oatmeal cookies, homemade oreos, chocolate-dipped peppermint meringues, butter cookies, mexican wedding cookies, rum balls and peanut butter munchies!

Someone is happy about the abundance of cookies around the house!


mommy23 said...

Ok, next year, we need the hidden video camera while you are doing the cookies. :) You guys amaze me..and we look forward to the plate of goodies every year. :)

Kristi said...

Dang! Nice job, guys! Josh knows how to get down to business in the kitchen, doesn't he? That kitchen isn't messy at all! That's awesome you guys find the energy and time to tackle such a chore during the holidays :)

Elaine said... I want some cookies!

The Arnolds said...

Quite impressive! And from what I hear, quite tasty as well! Even though I can't partake in enjoying the goodies, I know Chuck and the girls love it and we greatly appreciate all of the effort (including the driving/delivering)!!