Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. We started the evening by opening presents, then off to church and finally back to Arizona Grandma and Grandpa's to spend time with family. It was a great way to start the holiday weekend.

Opening the first presents of Christmas 2010

I love how Sadie is watching Brady

Christmas PJs! :)

Family Pictures

Abi, Brady, Paige and Colby

The Drevniaks

The Whole Gang

Before bed, we set out a plate of cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for the reindeers


The Arnolds said...

Great family photos! I can't believe Cynthia's hair! I love it!

mommy23 said...

I was going to say the same thing about Cynthia! So pretty. Love the group shot.

Kristi said...

I don't think your family could be any prettier! Seriously great photos!