Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Build A Snowman

Step 1: Start by making a small snowball

Step 2: Keep adding snow to make a bigger snowball (while providing play-by-play instructions to your little brother on how it is done)

Step 3: Give snowball to Dad to make bigger

Step 4: Ask Dad to put snowballs on top of each other and repeat steps 1 through 3

Step 5: Add stones for the buttons, a carrot for the nose and a few branches for the arms. And don't forget to take some time to smile for a quick picture.

Step 6: Accessorize! Of course, a snowman would not be complete without a necklace, tiara and a wand.


The Arnolds said...

Love it! Especially the accessories!

mommy23 said...

my girls love the accessorize the snowmen too. :) fun times!

Kristi said...

I can honestly say that is the first "girl" snowman I have ever seen! Love it.