Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brady's Birthday Party!

We celebrated Brady's 2nd birthday on Saturday with our wonderful family and friends. Since he is a big fan of Woody and Buzz Lightyear, I decided to throw him a Toy Story party.

"To Infinity and Beyond..."

Some of our Toy Story Decorations
(surprisingly, Abi and I were able to decorate the house with Toy Story themed toys which we already had around the house!)

My little sheriff patiently waiting for his party to begin.

The Bouncy House
Thanks to the Worsleys, we set up their bouncy house in our garage for the kids and they had a great time (not to mention, burned off lots of energy)!
I love the next series of pictures of Brady playing with his cousin, Colby

The girls eating lunch while watching Toy Story

Birthday Cake

and the best part: eating it!


Opening presents with the help of all the kids!

And finally, some of my favorite impromptu pictures of the day...

I wonder if he could possibly hold one more toy?

The best of the day!


Kristi said...

Happy Birthday, Brady!!
We are sending lots of love to the birthday boy!
I love how he tried to blow out his candles and than catch the little bit of smoke from them!
Great decorations and cake, Susie :)

mommy23 said...

He is so stinkin' cute! Happy Birthday B!!

The Arnolds said...

Such a fun party! Love the pics w/his hat!