During each winter for the past several years, I have talked about taking Abi skiing. Since I learned how to ski at a young age, I thought it was important for her to give it a try while she is still fairly fearless and open to the idea. So last weekend Abi and I finally made it to the ski hill. Although I tried to prepare her for the experience, she was over-the-top dramatic from the minute she put on her ski boots to the moment we got in the car to head home. In hindsight, I'm not sure why I would have thought it would be any different...this is Abi we are talking about after all.
During our 2 hours on the hill, I discovered a new found respect for ski school instructors. I only had my own child to deal with and throughout, I had to dig deep for a new level of patience. I could not imagine trying to teach a class of 5 year olds!
Despite her dramatics, Abi did great, seemed to enjoy it and we were able to get in about 5 or 6 runs. Abi's only goal for the day was to make a snow angel, which she completed before we headed down the mountain so I guess that means that our day was a success!