Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Yesterday we celebrated Abi's graduation from preschool. Who knew that preschool graduations could be so emotional? I can't imagine how I am going to feel when she graduates from high school. It's hard to believe my little girl is finished with preschool and will be starting kindergarten next year. I am so proud of her!

Best Beginnings Preschool Class of 2011

So Excited!

A video of Abi trying to sign her ABCs!

Receiving her Diploma

As Abi received her diploma, her teacher read comments about her as quoted by her preschool friends. (And yes, that is someone's phone ringing right in the middle of the ceremony!)

I think she is about done...

Abi & her wonderful teachers

Abi with Arizona Grandma and Grandpa

After graduation, we received a folder containing some of Abi's art projects throughout the year.
It was fun to see the progression of her self portrait!
A self portrait in September 2010

...and then again in June of 2011.

If you are wondering what those purple circles are in the middle of the horse, I was informed that this is a "fruit pony" and those are grapes!

1 comment:

The Arnolds said...

Such a big girl!! Congrats Abi! BTW - LOVE the fruit pony :)