Thursday, August 25, 2011


Over the summer, Abi took soccer lessons. She had a great time, despite her regular complaints that she was "sweating too much" - she can be such a girlie girl! :)

During this practice, the kids were split up into 4 teams and were competing against one another in a relay race.  Each player took a turn scoring a goal, running back to the line and tagging the next person. The first team to get all of their players to score goals was the winner.  As you can see, Abi did not quite grasp the concept of the relay race - her favorite part of the lessons was celebrating after she scored a goal!

At the end of each practice, each player got a chance to score a goal while their teammates cheered them on!

And then there was the task of keeping B occupied while during Abi's lesson...
We ate snacks...

Practiced our ball skills...

...and played in the sun!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

awesome to see Abi's enthusiasm- that is super cute! Can't believe how good B is with the soccer ball!