Friday, December 23, 2011


As Christmas quickly approached, we had a busy week of fun activities to get us in the holiday spirit...
We took a horse drawn carriage ride
put up our Christmas tree...
Daddy's Big Helper

We also continued our gingerbread house tradition. One of my favorite parts of the blog is looking back at the pictures from traditions we keep from year to year. It is amazing how much the kids have grown and how many more kids have been added since we started (all from the same 3 families!) 

And of course, we couldn't forget our pictures with Santa.  This year Brady asked Santa for trucks and cars and Abi asked for a scooter and a doll house.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I agree, it's so fun to look back through old blog posts and see how the kids have grown and the fun things you did year to year!