Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Soccer Star

This fall Abi played soccer on a team with several 1st grade girls from her school.  They had weekly practices with games played on Saturdays. Luckily, the weather gods must have been watching over us because other than one game, we didn't get rained on.  As I recall, this is quite the opposite of when I played soccer as a kid and it was generally freezing and we were playing in the mud, in the middle of a downpour!
Watching Abi play, I'm not sure that soccer is her sport - she never scored a goal, in fact she didn't touched the ball much during games, however she never complained and for the most part, gave it her all throughout the season. She seemed to enjoy it (other than the day that she told me that "soccer was for boys") and I was really proud of her effort. After receiving a cupcake and a trophy at her last game, she told me that she would like to sign up again next season. We'll see if she is still as enthusiastic next fall...   
Abi's Team (minus 2 players)
A few of Abi's big kicks.  She is wearing number 7.

 Before this game, we watched the weather forecast and saw it was going to be raining.  Abi looked at me and said, "Well, it's too bad that our game is going to be cancelled because of the rain." Later that day, she asked her Grandma how she was going to play soccer while holding an umbrella :)

Of course our girlie girl needed a posed picture too! :)

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