Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun Halloween this year - complete with costumes, carvings, parties and of course, lots and lots of candy.

Batman & Bat Girl

One of our first Halloween festivities was Pumpkin Carving Night at Brady's preschool.

Then we had our Pumpkin Carving Night at home.  Brady thoroughly enjoyed cleaning out the pumpkins!

Our Pumpkin Creations

The week leading up to Halloween was busy with parties in both Brady and Abi's classes.

Brady's Halloween Party
  Jake and Batman

Ghost Bowling

Pumpkin Cookie Decorating

Who knew? Batman is not too bad at ghost basketball!

Abi's Halloween Party

Working hard on some cookie decorations

Natalie also got in the spirit of Halloween :)

And finally it was Halloween night...time for Trick-or-Treating!

The trick-or-treaters didn't seem to bother Natalie
(A big thanks to Ferryboat Grandma for babysitting!)

Our fun day ended with "It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown"

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