Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Big Helper

Abi has always been a great sister - to Sadie, to Brady and now Natalie.  She is helpful, caring and loving with all of her siblings. This becomes strikingly evident to me when I see how dependent Brady is on his sister and I imagine it will be the same for Nattie as she gets older. A perfect example of this was the other night when we put the kids to sleep at our friend's house.  They were sleeping in different rooms and within a few minutes, Brady was crying hysterically. When I went in to check on him, he said that he "need(ed) sissy".  She is definitely the most important person in his world. I can only hope that their close relationship continues to grow and they remain close and connected throughout their lives.

Ever since Natalie was born, Abi has adored her.  Abi can make Nattie smile and laugh like no one else. As soon as Abi walks in the room, Natalie constantly follows her with her eyes, and her face lights up if Abi hugs, kisses or just talks to her.

Here is my big helper in action...

 I love the way that Nattie is looking at Abi in this picture.

Natalie smiling and laughing as Abi smiles at her off camera