Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Brady!

A day of pictures to journal my little boy's 4th birthday...

Good Morning

This picture was taken mere seconds after the one above. He was told it was time for a haircut! :)

Daddy makes it all better.

Now we are ready for the day...

Making breakfast - Birthday Cake Pancakes!

Sadie is hoping Brady drops her a few crumbs.

Someone else is pretty excited about the pancakes too!

Next, we picked up Brady's best friend Chase and headed to the Fire Department for a tour.

...and then it was off to Red Robin for some lunch...

Then we went to Elevated Sportz Indoor Trampoline Park to burn off some energy...

Foam Pit Fun!

Before heading home for presents, pizza and cake, we made a stop at the kid's pediatrician.  Unfortunately Abi had an ear infection and Brady had to get treated for an upper respiratory infection.  Both the kids were such troopers and didn't let the sickness(es) ruin their days. 


Cutest. Card. Ever. 

A new Spiderman Bike!

Once the "frosting on the face" started at the table, the giggles didn't stop!

After a fun-filled day, it was finally bedtime...

Goodnight to my sweet, smart, imaginative and funny boy. You are loved more than you will ever know.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Yep- that was the cutest card ever! What fun for the birthday boy- my goodness he's cute!