Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Down on Grandpa's Farm

This year Abi was in the school play, Down on Grandpa's Farm.  Like her spring play last year, she did not need to try out; instead the kids were divided into groups by animal, where they got their assigned lines and were taught a group dance. Abi's group was the Border Collies and they danced to the song "Who Let the Dogs Out?" As you will hear in the video, by the end of the song, the audience was singing along which made it really fun for the kids. This play was written and directed by 4th and 5th graders at the school.  They get to write their group's script as well as pick the song and choreograph the dance.  As you can imagine, it is quite entertaining - this year we had horses dancing to Gangnam Style!

Abi had a blast - she really loves performing and does an awesome job each and every time.  I am always amazed at how easy she can memorize her lines without much practice.  If it were me, I would have to rehearse for hours and even then there would be no guarantees...I guess that's what happens when you get old :)

If you can't tell, Abi is in the middle of the stage in the gray pants and white shirt.
Sorry about the quality of the video -those dang lights make it impossible to see - sorry! 

 Farm cupcakes that Abi and I made for the after-party.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

This is so great! Way to go Abi! Cupcakes are great too :)