Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lake Chelan 2013

We had a blast in Lake Chelan this year!  Thankfully, the Doehne Vacation Curse, which has plagued almost all of our family trips over the past few years, stayed away and we all managed to stay healthy.  There is also a running joke in our family that bad weather follows us wherever we go. This was true for about half the trip. We did have a torrential downpour, thunder and lightning (which is crazy weather for the middle of August when the average temperature is generally around 90 degrees) but during the nice days we made the most of it and spent lots of time soaking up the sun and playing in the water.

Lucky for us, the Worsleys' were also vacationing in Chelan so we spent many of our days together.

Boys will be boys!
They had more fun hitting each other with the inner tubes than they did playing with them in the water.

This pesky family of ducks was very aggressive and kept trying to join our picnic.  Josh took it upon himself to remove them from the party, or at least he tried.  For his efforts, we nicknamed him the "Duck Wrangler".

Our  Day at Slidewaters
B's First Ride of the Day

Pool Time

Grandpa and Abi playing in the pool

Grandma bought the kids' snorkels and they had great fun practicing with them.

We took one of our days and did a mini winery tour (with 6 kids in tow).  I'm sure all the owners just cringed as our minivan caravan pulled up.

Josh also took the kids to a nearby ranch where the Worsley family owns a couple of horses for some four-wheelin' and horseback riding.

The kids found a Praying Mantis!

Josh enjoyed the trip because he got a chance to take some pictures around the ranch.

And of course, a post would not be complete without some cute pictures and videos of Nattie! :)

I love this video because it captures the interaction between Nattie and B perfectly right now.

Nattie is SO close to crawling and it is just so dang frustrating!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Slidewaters looks really fun! Glad you guys had the chance to enjoy another great week in Chelan!