Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

This is a rare scene these days but one that I love.  
Abi has never been a big fan of the Halloween aisles. Thankfully we no longer have screaming, crying fits in the middle of Target but it still creates a bit of anxiety for her. Although she will tolerate a trip to the party store during Halloween, it is not her favorite activity.  As we were walking through the parking lot, she grabbed Brady's hand.  This just warmed my heart - Brady has always loved and admired his sister but it was great to see his sister being depending upon him too. 

Pumpkin Carving



Ferryboat Grandma said...

Oh Susie, it just warms my heart and soul when you post to the blog. Even though I was there at Halloween it is so much fun to look at the pictures.

Ferryboat Grandma said...

Oh Susie, it just warms my heart and soul when you post to the blog. Even though I was there at Halloween it is so much fun to look at the pictures.

Kristi said...

You guys always have the best pumpkins! Loved the parking lot scene too :)