Monday, October 27, 2014

The world would be a better place if...

The kids have a program at school called ArtSmart which introduces them to art concepts and artists. Last week, Brady's Kindergarten class had their first lesson and it was to create a piece of work to possibly submit to a statewide art competition called Reflections.  This year's theme was "The world would be a better place if..." The kids were given crayons, colored pencils and glitter and set free to fill their canvases.  Unfortunately I did not see any of the works of art but I can only imagine after seeing a list of their ideas/comments.

C: Make jackets for animals and people
A: Throwing garbage in the recycle bin
R: Building a house for anybody
R: (Did not provide a comment to Mrs. S)
G: Because it is sunny and people can play. The rain and the sun make rainbows.
A: Making a machine that connects the Earth to astronauts and the rocket ships, so they can talk to their parents.
S: If there were unicorns and ponies people would be happy because they are so, so, so adorable.
E: Farms have horses and ponies for people to ride.
B: People could climb more mountains and find gems for decorations.
V: Mermaids swim and do beautiful things to make the world a better place.
C: You have to take care of animals.
A: By trading toys instead of buying new ones.
S: Recycle toys and garbage on the floor.
E: People can stay safe in fires if they can fly.
D: (Did not provide a comment to Mrs. S)
N: Beaches are fun to play.

Needless to say, we decided not to submit Brady's work for consideration! :)

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