Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Funny Phrases

Kids often have a special way of viewing the world and the way in which they phrase things is just too good not to be shared.  Here are some of the gems heard by Josh and I over the past month:

December 11th: I was explaining to the kids that Grandma and Grandpa were taking an airplane back home tomorrow and Nattie asked if Sadie was on the plane with them. 

December 12th:  As I was laying in bed with Brady before bedtime, he said, "You're the best Mom I ever had."

December 19th: At Blazing Bagels today, I asked Brady how his lunch was and he responded, "I have no words."

December 20th:  "Josh come here for a minute." - Nattie

December 25th:  On Christmas Day, Brady was putting together legos with Josh.  When I walked passed, Brady said, "This is coming together rickity split."  Then a bit later he said, "We're making some good progress here Mom."

December 29th: "Mom, this is so sucks."  - Brady after taking a bite of dinner 
After a bit of discussion, I learned that this means that it is really awesome

And we can't forget Nattie who refers to lettuce only as grass.

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