Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

Halloween! One of our favorite times of the year, besides Christmas of course.  Since we were in the apartment this year, it was a bit different since we couldn't go all out on the decorating, but we still had fun carving pumpkins, dressing up, going to the pumpkin patch, and celebrating at school.

 -Pumpkin Carving-

Don't let the smiles fool you, all the kids are not big fans of cleaning the guts out of the pumpkins.

-The Pumpkin Patch-

This corn was HUGE!

 My favorite picture of the day.

-Halloween Class Parties-


 This year the kids dressed up as a jellyfish, a unicorn, and an X-Wing pilot.

 A look at Abi's jellyfish costume in the light.

 Brady was thrilled to find another X-Wing pilot at the local Trunk-or-Treat event.

By the end of the night we had one tired unicorn.

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