Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

We had a fun Christmas Eve this year celebrating with Grandma and Grandpa and preparing for the arrival of Santa. 
Watching the excitement on Abi’s face brought back fond memories of Christmas mornings when I was a kid.  Growing up, my parents had a rule that we could not wake them up until 8 a.m. to open presents.  My brother, Mike and I would wake up early – often around 6 – and quietly sit in bed and play the card game, War, until the clock struck 8.  As soon as it did, we would run into my parent’s room to wake them up.  We were SO excited – just waiting to find out what Santa had brought us!  Though I still enjoy the holidays, my favorite gift is to simply watch Abi experience the anticipation and excitement as I once did.
Very excited about her new Dora DVD!

Grandma, Grandpa & Abi 

We left Santa some homemade cookies & milk and left the reindeers a carrot to chew on!

…and now it is off to bed!

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