Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still Waiting...

Since I was induced 10 days after my due date with Abi, I was warned early on that I would probably not deliver until at least my due date with this pregnancy; but I still thought that there might be a chance. Well, here we are 4 days away from my due date and still no baby boy! My doctor did agree to induce me on my due date (as long as it is not too busy at the hospital) so we are crossing our fingers that Monday will not be a popular day for women to give birth.

Abi is becoming quite interested in baby boy - especially now that we got his room, cradle and car seat set up. She often asks me what the baby is doing - "Mommy, is the baby sleeping?, "Is the baby moving?", "Is the baby crying?". I think she believes that my belly button can be used as a telescope to see the baby - she often puts her eye up to it (as if she is looking through it) to see what he is doing. Upon looking, she usually confirms to me that he is sleeping. She also uses my belly button as a microphone to speak to him. It is truly adorable! She likes the 'idea' of having a baby brother and being a big sister but the true test will come when he actually arrives and reality sets in that he is here to stay!

Hopefully we will have some good news to share soon so stay tuned...


mommy23 said...

Hang in there...
Why is it that kids think the belly button is a spy scope? Too funny!

The Arnolds said...

I'm sure he'll make his arrival soon!