Here are some funny moments that occurred during Brady's first month of life. I thought I should document them before I forget (my memory is definitely not what it used to be - this becomes extremely apparent when I play the game, Memory, with Abi. She beats me every time we play and I actually try to win!)
1) Josh came home from work a few weeks ago and Abi looks at him and says, "Daddy, have you met my friend Brady?"
2) Before Brady was born, I didn't realized how different it is to change a girl's diaper and a boy's diaper. Not only do you need to worry about the chance of being peed on at any moment, but Brady has 'anger poops' (Josh creatively coined that term). As soon as we take off his clothes to change his diaper, he gets very cranky. During the act of changing his diaper, he has the uncanny ability to poop at the
exact moment the diaper is being switched or at the
exact moment that you reach for another wipe. It honestly feels like he does this on purpose to punish us for changing his diaper. Well, let's just say we should buy some stock in Resolve cleaner. We have been busy cleaning clothes, changing pads, furniture, seems to be getting a little better as he is getting older, or maybe Mom and Dad are just finally getting the hang of it!
3) As I was getting ready to feed Brady the other day, the following conversation ensued:
Abi: "I want to do it, I want to do it!" (she said as she hopped on the couch and lifted up her shirt).
Me: "No, honey, only Mommy can feed Brady. Mommy has milk that Brady needs".
Abi: "I have milk, Mommy. It is chocolate milk".