Friday, April 10, 2009

Springtime Fun

With a weekend of temperatures in the 70s, we were fooled into thinking that spring had arrived. Unfortunately, this was followed by several days of rain and snow showers are actually forecasted for Monday. I guess that’s life in Seattle. While it was nice we took full advantage of the beautiful weather and spent it outdoors at the zoo, the park and working in the yard.

-Woodland Park Zoo-DSCN0108Enjoying a Picnic

DSCN0111 Taking on Double Duty

DSCN0115Getting a boost from Daddy to see the animals

-Trip to the Park with Cynthia, Colby & Paige- DSCN0117



-Hangin’ Out Around the House-

Abi playing with her new bubble machine. Apparently she thinks that the bubbles will listen to her when she calls out to them!

Daddy Relaxin’ With His Kiddos…DSCN0065


DSCN0083 Our Big Boy!

I’m Yours - This is Abi's favorite song. As you can see, she got a bit distracted when she heard a car outside and thought Daddy was home but she knows all the words and loves to sing it!

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