Monday, March 15, 2010


On Saturday, we had a party to celebrate Brady's birthday. Unfortunately, our last week was filled with sick kids and doctors' appointments. Abi came down with a horrible cold and double ear infections and Brady followed suit and got sick just a few days before his party...poor guy! Despite a little cough and a runny nose, the party went off without a hitch (a big thanks to ferryboat Grandma and Grandpa for all your help!)

Opening Presents (with my two little helpers)

Brady, Abi & Colby playing with one of his new toys

Adventures with a Cupcake...

"Happy Birthday To You"

Diggin' In...

It's a Two-Handed Job

Yummmy....cupcake, frosting and a little bit of snot!

Oh no, not the hair!

Big Mess

SO thirsty after all that chocolate!

Our Happy Clean Boy


mommy23 said...

Looks like a fun time party. The monkey toppers ARE super cute. :)

The Arnolds said...

Adorable! Looks like the cupcake was a hit! Love the monkey toppers!

Elaine said...

LOVE the pictures of him eating his cupcake! So cute!

Paula said...

That looks so fun; he's absolutely adorable, even when a little sick. BTW, Mike's little boy is so cute... tell him I said so :)

Kristi said...

Love the party pics, the cupcakes, the boy. . .all of it! So fun!

J-Ri said...
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J-Ri said...

those came out great, i wonder who took a few of those pictures?