Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mariners Game

Last Friday we headed to our first Mariners game of the season to celebrate Josh's birthday. Although we were sitting in the top row of Safeco, we saw a great game. I decided to get the cheapest seats because with Brady in tow, I wasn't sure how long we would make it. He ended up doing great and we made it all the way until the 9th inning. Hopefully we can go to a few more games this season!
Abi has become very sensitive to loud noises lately and apparently the Mariner's game was a bit too much for her because she spent the entire game like this.

Brady's first Mariner's game

Uncle Mike happen to be at the same game and came up for a visit.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Ha ha! She needs earplugs next time apparently :)