Thursday, June 3, 2010

School's Out!

Today was Abi's last day of preschool. I can't believe it is already over. For Abi's first year in school, she adjusted well and did a great job - she met lots of new friends, loved her wonderful teachers and even managed to squeeze in some learning in between all the coloring, art projects and playing!

Abi's First Day of Preschool - September 2009

Abi's Last Day of Preschool - June 2010
I am praying that the sun will finally make an appearance and summer will arrive so we can enjoy some time outdoors. Otherwise, it is going to be a very LONG summer and I will be anxiously awaiting for September (aka. start of the school year) to arrive! :)


Kristi said...

Good job, Abi! I hear ya- we need the summer weather to arrive!

mommy23 said...

What a good idea to do a last day of school pic. I think I may need to adopt that one..wish I did it with Regen! :) Hopefully we can get out to some good parks this summer with the kiddos if it ever arrives! I have a feeling that soon we will all be complaining about how HOT it is. ;)