Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Despite the rain, we celebrated 4th of July with the usuals...BBQ, spending time with family and of course, sparklers. This year, Ferryboat Grandma joined us for the day and her & Abi made ice cream - such a fun summer tradition! Abi choose chocolate as the flavor of the day and it was delicious.

(A special thanks to Aunt Peg for the cute outfits!)

-Making Ice Cream with Grandma-

If the empty bowl is any indication, it must be pretty good!

I think he liked it :)

-Our Fireworks-
Pop-Its & Sparklers


The Arnolds said...

Such great photos! Looks like a fun time despite the weather!

Kristi said...

love the sparkler pics and brady's ice cream face!