Saturday, July 31, 2010

Swim Lessons

Over the past month, Abi and Brady have been taking swim lessons at the YMCA. Brady's "class" is actually just 30 minutes of playtime in order to get him acquainted and feel comfortable in the water.

Abi's class, on the other hand, is an actual lesson where she practices skills like putting her face in the water and floating on her back.

Over the past 6 weeks, Abi did have a few days with some tears (over her extreme dislike of back floats) but overall I thought that she was getting a bit better. Apparently, her teacher didn't agree because on the last day of class, we got her report card. On a scale of 0 to 2 with 0=skill not completed and 2=skill completed, Abi's report card had many 0's. In fact, every single category was a 0! After a brief review of this report card, I decided that another category needed to be added...Effort. Because despite her fear, Abi never once complained and always jumped back in the water for another try - so for that, I give her a 2!


mommy23 said...

OMG-that backfloat SO deserved a 2!! Good job Abi!

Kristi said...

Brady was doing the cutest kicking I have ever seen from such a small little dude! Good job, B!

I think Abi deserves a 2 and then some! All 0's? You kidding me? It's all about the effort if you ask me!

The Arnolds said...

I agree - she definitely should have gotten a 2 for that backfloat! I give her 2 for effort as well :)