Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First Snow of the Year

Yesterday was the first snow of the year. The kids and I decided to stay put and not venture out which proved to be the right decision because it took Josh 4 hours to get home from work (a commute which is about 20 miles!) The kids had a great time watching the snow fall all day and we had fun playing in it, but only for a short time since the high temperature today is 25 degrees....Brrrrrr!

My little man all bundled up!

Abi (aka the 'Ice Pirate') spent her time outside searching for pieces of ice treasure.

Even Sadie had fun in the snow.

Helping Dad shovel the driveway

As you can see from all the snow on Brady's hat/forehead, he had a few face plants. Poor guy was a bit top heavy and kept falling over!

Next stop: Hot chocolate by the fire :)

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I think you guys have more snow than we do!