Monday, December 6, 2010

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

Yesterday we headed to Seattle with Ferryboat Grandma to enjoy some of the downtown Christmas festivities. We started at the Teddy Bear Suite at The Fairmont Olympic Hotel. Then headed to the Sheraton to see the gingerbread houses. Finally, we went to Westlake to see the Christmas lights and ride the carousel. We ended the day by decorating the Christmas tree. It was a great start to the holiday season!

-The Teddy Bear Suite-

The bed of bears

I think Santa is having a tough time finding Brady's name on his list :)

-Gingerbread Houses-

Although it is hard to see from these pictures, the details on each of these "houses" is so impressive!

Another great picture taken by Abi with Josh's Nikon camera

-The Carousel-
Of course, Abi had to have the purple horse!

-Decorating the Tree-

Brady wasn't sure what to make of the big tree that appeared in our family room


The Arnolds said...

What a fun time! I'm quite impressed with Abi's photography skills!

Paula said...

Merry Christmas, Susie!!

Kristi said...

All 3 of your holiday destinations looked really fun! Love that last picture of B. Handsome little man!