Two years ago today, at 7:25 p.m., my little baby boy was born. Although he wasn't exactly little and decided not to arrive as I had planned (
perhaps he was giving us a glimpse of just how stubborn he can be!); when he finally did, I couldn't wait to meet him. He was a good, healthy and happy baby and we were proud parents, albeit a bit tentative of how our new addition would fit into our family of 3. Looking back at the moment today, I could not have imagined or predicted how much happiness, joy and laughter he would bring to our lives.
Although I feel like a say this at every birthday or milestone (and I am sure I will continue until the kids are walking out the door on their way to college), it is hard for me to believe that my baby boy has grown up so quickly. It seems as though I just blinked and overnight my baby has become a happy, loving, sensitive, funny, individualistic, rambunctious and sometimes crazy toddler.
At two years old, Brady likes trucks, cars, trains (as he refers to as "choo-choo's") and playing catch with balls. He absolutely loves his big sister, reading books and bath time (however bath time usually brings out Brady's rambunctious personality so we often have to cut them short before someone get hurt!)
Similar to last year, I decided to document Brady's day in pictures. Unfortunately Brady was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday and this morning so our plans to go to the aquarium were postponed. We ended up hanging out at home and had a little birthday celebration when Josh got home from work. Poor little guy had his heart set on going to the aquarium today and kept following me around the house, with his boots in hand, repeating the words "animal" and "turtle".
Brady was still feeling a bit under the weather when he woke up this morning...

Trying to escape

I can always tell when B isn't feeling well because cuddling is not part of our normal morning routine.

After the medicine started to kick in, we ventured downstairs for some breakfast and play time.

This is a picture of B trying to use a thermometer to take the temperature of the spider on his shirt.
We headed out to Starbucks for a birthday chocolate milk (with lots of whipped cream, of course!)

He was a happy camper until Mom took it away (for fear he would spill it all over the floor)...

And then it was time for a nap...

After some sleep, we took a trip on the tricycle to pick up the mail.

Based on his expression, I am not sure how he feels about his birthday dinner.

...and then it was time for dessert!

As you can see, his manners have not gotten any better with time.

...and then it was time for presents!

After playing with his new toys, it was time for bed...

Every night before I turn out the lights and close the door, B runs to the end of his crib for one last hug and kiss.
Happy 2nd Birthday, my sweet boy!
SO SWEET! hope he feels better soon!
What a great tradition with taking pictures on their birthday! He's such a sweetie and looking like such a handsome little man these days! Happy birthday B!
He is SO adorable! Hope he is feeling better.
I love how you capture and record the kids birthdays like this, Susie!
And B running to the end of his crib for another hug & kiss?? Oh man- what a sweet boy!
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